OV Recorder Downloaded No Connection BR2 Camera

FYI the two updates for DS you sent while we were still on job were never installed.

FYI I got OV Rec OVREC_setup R1.0.0.4.exe Installed and still no connection to BR2 Camera

FYI I now have companion 0.24 Like recommended last time we had issue

This is a BR2 problem. If there is nothing at that address my software cannot retrieve it.

You were most likely using 2 monitors and its opening up in the coordinates of the second monitor which is no longer plugged in.

It appears the br2.sdp changed with re-install. Is this right. I noticed IPV4 seems to be different.

I got connect as appears problem is with Windows Fire Wall allowing apps through. there are 2 separate lines where one is checked public and other checked private for OV-Rec. When I check both boxes on both lines it works. This happened with QGround too. Not sure how it happens or why it now works.