Ocean Vault Recorder Isues

I have some issues I haven’t been able to resolve in Ocean Vault Recorder.

• The sound in the video makes a clicking/plipping noise and only happens with the ocean vault recorder but no other software.
• The sound does not sync properly with the video recorded in Oceanvault Recorder.
• The PIP shows a black border around the window when trying to show the window in the Ping Viewer (maybe due to differing screen regulations?)


The sound issue is something we are aware of and hope that the SDK developer will resolve soon.

Can you show us a picture of the issue with the pip?

Delta ROV.

Hears the Picture

I think that this window expands when the sonar is detected and is displayed.

The window size is likely defined by that. Please start your sonar and show is the picture again.

It doesnt matter if the sonar is on or not. I get the same isues

please show us a picture when the sonar is running.

I can’t seem to get it to show properly

was also wondering if the Sounds issue has been resolved yet

Method 1

  1. Make sure that the ping360 is loaded before Oceanvault
  2. Make sure you do not move or resize the pin360 window
  3. Hit refresh button in the screen recording section
  4. Select the ping360 window from the drop down list
  5. Hit Select button
  6. Start your preview
  7. start your pip preview
  8. use pip ratio in the display section to resize the pip

Method 2

  1. Select monitor from screen recording section
  2. Press Select Area
    (A read square overlay will appear over the desktop of the “Selected monitor” which should contain the 3. window where pip is located)
  3. With the mouse select the area you want to appear in the pip
  4. Hit Select button
  5. Start your preview
  6. start your pip preview
  7. use pip ratio in the display section to resize the pip

Both methods do the same thing. They provide the windows coordinates to capture. If you move or resize the window then the issue you are showing will occur.

No, for now audio is not supported. We will follow up with the DLL developer to see if he’s resolved the issue.

I still get the same results, I think it has to do with using monitors with different screen sizes

Method 1 results

Method 2 Results

can you try with monitors with same screen sizes?

This one looks ok but you need to either adjust the ratio or move it to the left.

It is on a touhgbook, so I don’t have a second screen the same size.

If I adjust the ratio what is shown above happens, also it’s way too big it would cover most of the screen.

it would be nice if it just worked

Checking to see if there are any updates on this?

Hello, can you not adjust both screen to have the same resolution?